Samphire Therapy

birth trauma therapy

a simple and safe way to resolve distressing feelings that may have persisted following the birth of your baby

what is birth trauma?

Giving birth can be an overwhelming experience for many people. Everyone reacts differently. Some will recover quickly and adapt to their new role as parent without difficulty, others may experience a mixture of feelings which may include low mood for a period of time, but this often improves over a month or so.

For a small proportion of those who have given birth, feelings of anxiety, isolation, feelings of not coping and depression may persist, having an impact on everyday life and relationships with the baby and family members.  

Some parents may have lost a baby and feel unable to cope with the powerful feelings that overwhelm them, perhaps flashbacks, panic attacks or avoidance behaviour

therapy can help

Birth trauma therapy is a simple and safe way to resolve distressing feelings that may have persisted following your birth experience.

Using a combination of deep relaxation, guided imagery, healing metaphors and rewind therapy you will be supported to find yourself again and re-connect with those around you.

what people say

Hannah’s story

Previous to having my son I had never heard of birth trauma or understood the effect it could have on someone.  The birth of my son was not particularly “traumatic” to outsiders and baby and I were, thankfully, both physically fine. However, I quickly began to think very negatively about my birth experience in the days following the birth.  My friends, family and health professionals quickly moved on from birth discussions as there wasn’t really anything of great detail to relay and my husband thought the experience was a very positive one and would always shut down further discussions with comments such as, “but it’s done now and you’re both healthy.” 

I felt like I had no one to talk to about the birth and no one who would understand the feelings I had towards the experience – I didn’t even understand why I felt so negatively about it so why would anyone else. I just stopped talking about it and tried to move on.

However, after some time it became clear to me that I couldn’t move on.  I felt I was very depressed and was finding it difficult to cope with everyday living.  I was prescribed antidepressants by the GP and referred to perinatal counselling, but things did not improve.  I was still not talking to anyone about the birth and had tried to push it to the back of my mind.  As time went on, I started to experience more intense physical symptoms such as panic attacks, vivid flashbacks to events during the birth, insomnia and intrusive thoughts and feelings.  I just could not process what had happened. 

Twelve weeks after the birth, I had my first appointment with Sarah.  It was honestly life changing! Just to be listened to and to have my feelings validated, and to be given an explanation as to why I was experiencing these symptoms was an immense relief.  Her knowledge of the psychology behind what was happening was amazing and she explained it perfectly so I could understand why I was feeling and behaving the way I was.  As a person, Sarah was so understanding, sincere and knowledgeable and had such a warm and welcoming disposition about her, I couldn’t help feeling safe and supported in our appointments.

Our next appointment together was the rewind therapy. Sarah explained the process and explained the science behind why it helped people process past traumas.  The therapy itself was so relaxing and after our appointment was over, I left with a sense of peace which I hadn’t felt in months.

Over the next few weeks, I continued to process the trauma in my head equipped with this new peace and way of thinking that Sarah had given me.  I really don’t understand how one session can have such a dramatic effect but it was life changing.  I felt so much more empowered and accepting of my emotions over the birth and I began to process it in a way that I could think and talk about it and not experience the intense emotions and reactions it brought up previously.

I honestly owe Sarah more than she will ever know and although I didn’t know it at the time, two years later I look back on that therapy as one of the most fundamental moments in my life.  I became me again and I passionately believe that more women need to be aware of birth trauma and offered support.  I feel so immensely privileged to have found  Sarah and am so grateful to have received the treatment because I definitely wouldn’t be the mother and person I am today without it. 

about Sarah

Dr Sarah Norris is an accredited birth trauma therapist. She has extensive experience, firstly as a registered nurse, then as a registered midwife. Her most recent role was in midwifery education and as a birth trauma therapist.

Sarah now focuses solely on birth trauma therapy and has successfully supported many mothers, fathers and some grandparents to resolve their psychological challenges following their birth experience.

You may not be sure whether birth trauma therapy is the right way forward for you and you may want to find out more about how this therapy can help to resolve your feelings. So contact Sarah by email for further information